Saturday, August 24, 2013

Jurassic Cast talks to Harvey Jason!

For our upcoming September Episode of Jurassic Cast podcast, we were lucky enough to to speak to Harvey Jason, who played Ajay Sidhu in The Lost World.

Harvey was kind enough to tell us lots of interesting stories about his experience on the set and he also answered a few questions we had for him. 

You can hear our talk with Harvey Jason on the next episode of Jurassic Cast which is available on Itunes, Stitcher Radio and on on September 1st.

Jurassic Park Tattoo - Sam gets a Jurassic Park tattoo!

After being a huge fan of Jurassic Park for 20 years, I had always wanted to get a JP tattoo but had always ended up getting something else. But after the HUGE worldwide response to our Colin Trevorrow interview, mixed with the 20th anniversary of the first, JP3D UK released and my wife keep asking me what i wanted for my birthday there was only one answer....

The detail is amazing, it hurt a bit but the yellow outline was one of the most painful things i had experienced! I have to say a big thank you to Charlie Coppollo at Skynyard, Southend. I will post a picture once it has fully healed.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Jurassic Park 4 - Jurassic Cast Interviews Colin Trevorrow!!

That's Right! The one and only Writer/Director of Jurassic Park 4 gives Jurassic Cast & an exclusive interview about Jurassic Park 4 (Jurassic World) & his experience with the films growing up.

Episode 2 will be available later tonight on itunes, Stitcher and on our toolbar on the right ->